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NGOCC Engages Media on Gender Responsive Budgeting

The Non-governmental Gender Organizations’ Coordinating Council (NGOCC) has intensified its efforts to engage the media under the “Beyond the Numbers: Making the Budget Work for the People” project. 

This initiative underscores the pivotal role of the media in educating and informing the public about the intricacies of budget processes.

The project, designed to enhance accountability and public service delivery, seeks to empower citizens and civil society organizations in the formulation, implementation, and oversight of Zambia’s national budget.

During a recent media engagement, NGOCC Executive Director, Anne Mbewe-Anamela, emphasized the importance of highlighting the differential impacts of the national budget on women, girls, and boys. 

She urged journalists to focus on underfunded areas that adversely affect women and girls, advocating for more comprehensive reporting on these issues.

“Journalists play a crucial role in promoting accountability and better public service delivery. By consistently highlighting the grey areas in the national budget, the media can drive change and ensure that the needs of women and girls are adequately addressed,” Ms. Anamela stated. 

She specifically pointed out the need for more maternity wings to reduce mortality rates and promote dignified motherhood.

Ms. Anamela also called on journalists to go beyond mere reporting. She encouraged them to follow up on government pronouncements and commitments to ensure they are fully realized.

The “Beyond the Numbers” project, co-implemented by NGOCC, Oxfam in Zambia, and the Zambia Council for Social Development (ZCSD) with support from the European Union (EU), aims to strengthen citizen engagement in the national budget processes. 

This four-year project addresses the challenges of poor service delivery and the lack of social accountability systems, which are exacerbated by low public awareness and limited inclusion in critical budget processes.

By equipping the media with the tools and knowledge to report effectively on these issues, the NGOCC hopes to foster a more informed and engaged citizenry capable of holding duty bearers accountable for public resource management.

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