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CEJ Urges Insurance Companies to Compensate Drought-Affected Farmers

The Centre for Environment Justice (CEJ) has issued a call to insurance companies in Zambia to promptly compensate farmers enrolled in Weather Index Insurance schemes, particularly those affected by drought conditions in Southern Province.

In a media statement released on Thursday, CEJ’s Head of Research and Studies, Freeman Mubanga, emphasized the importance of insurers clarifying compensation mechanisms for farmers grappling with erratic rainfall patterns due to climate change impacts.

Mubanga lauded the introduction of Weather Index Insurance in Zambia as a significant step forward in addressing the challenges posed by climate variability to the agricultural sector. 

By linking insurance payouts to weather conditions rather than individual crop losses, this innovative initiative aims to provide a direct response to the impacts of climate change on farming activities.

However, Mubanga stressed the need for insurance providers to execute their compensation duties with efficiency and transparency to effectively support farmers during adverse weather conditions. 

He highlighted farmers’ growing concerns regarding the timeliness of compensations, which could severely impact their ability to recover and prepare for future farming seasons.

The statement outlined several recommendations for insurance companies, including enhancing transparency and communication by establishing clear channels for updating farmers on the status of their insurance claims and payout timelines. 

Mubanga also suggested streamlining assessment processes through the use of efficient technologies like remote sensing to expedite compensation procedures.

Furthermore, CEJ called for building capacity for rapid response within insurance providers to ensure swift action during weather-related disasters. Mubanga emphasized the importance of continuous improvement by incorporating feedback from farmers and stakeholders to enhance service delivery and resilience to climate change.

CEJ also advocated for collaboration between government bodies, NGOs, and insurance companies to facilitate broader support mechanisms for farmers, including educational programs on risk management and climate-smart agriculture practices.

The organization urged insurance companies to consider these recommendations seriously and act promptly to ensure that Weather Index Insurance fulfills its potential as a pivotal climate adaptation tool for Zambia’s agricultural sector. 

The success of this initiative, CEJ emphasized, is vital for the sustainability of farming communities and the overall economic stability and food security of the nation.

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