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President Ramaphosa Hails Democratic Victory at IEC Election Results Announcement

President Cyril Ramaphosa has declared the 2024 National and Provincial elections a resounding triumph for South African democracy. 

Speaking to an audience of dignitaries, political leaders, and citizens, Ramaphosa commended the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) for conducting elections that were free, fair, and peaceful, despite numerous challenges.

Ramaphosa highlighted the high voter turnout, noting that millions of South Africans participated in the electoral process, casting their votes in urban and rural areas, both domestically and internationally. 

“South Africans care about their country,” he said, emphasizing the electorate’s commitment to shaping a better future.

The President lauded the IEC for its professionalism and integrity, which he said ensured the success of the elections. 

He also expressed gratitude to the South African Police Service and the South African National Defence Force for maintaining peace and stability during the voting period.

Reflecting on the democratic process, Ramaphosa acknowledged the robust and sometimes contentious election campaigns but emphasized that they upheld the fundamental principles of democracy. 

He called on all political parties to respect the election results, which he affirmed reflect the will of the people.

“Our people have spoken,” Ramaphosa declared, urging political leaders to heed the voices of their constituents and work collaboratively to address the nation’s challenges. 

He emphasized that the electorate expects their leaders to find common ground and act in the nation’s best interest, reinforcing the principles of the constitution and the rule of law.

The President underscored the shared mandate of all political parties to build an inclusive, united, and prosperous South Africa. 

He reminded elected officials that the seats they occupy in Parliament and provincial legislatures belong to the people, and their authority must be exercised to advance public interests.

Ramaphosa expressed gratitude to various stakeholders who contributed to the electoral process, including IEC staff, law enforcement, Home Affairs personnel, political parties, candidates, local and international observers, and the media. 

He concluded by thanking the South African people for their active participation in the democratic process.

“This is the time for all of us to put South Africa first,” Ramaphosa asserted, calling for unity and cooperation in the nation’s ongoing journey towards a better future.

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