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Kasama Municipal Council Cracks Down on Likili Bus Services and Juldan Motorways for Violence and Non-Payment

The Kasama Municipal Council is taking a tough stance against Likili Bus Services and Juldan Motorways following repeated incidents of violence and non-payment of fees at the Chikumanino Bus Station.

According to Assistant Public Relations Manager Charity Chaiwila, a Likili Bus (registration number BCF 2747) refused to pay the mandatory 100 Kwacha fee on May 17th, 2024. This resulted in a confrontation where council staff were physically and emotionally abused, and property was damaged.

Ms. Chaiwila emphasized that council regulations require all transit buses to pay the 100 Kwacha fee for using the facility. Likili Bus Services’ refusal to pay and the alleged forced removal of a barrier by Mr. Jonathan Nsama and others constitute a clear violation of these regulations.

The Council is not taking these incidents lightly. Ms. Chaiwila noted that a similar incident involving both Likili Bus Services and Juldan Motorways occurred on May 16th, where staff were manhandled, and property was damaged.

The Kasama Municipal Council outlined a two-pronged approach to address these repeated offenses. They will file lawsuits against both Likili Bus Services and Juldan Motorways to recover compensation for property damage and lost revenue.

Additionally, the Council will implement stricter measures to enforce compliance with council regulations and fees. These measures aim to prevent similar incidents from happening again in the future.

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