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Improved Working Conditions Promised at Zambia’s Labour Day Celebration

Zambia’s Labour Day commemoration in Kalulushi District offered a mix of promises and concerns regarding the state of workers in the country.

Community Development and Social Services Minister, Doreen Mwamba, delivered a message of hope. She assured workers of the government’s commitment to improving their working conditions.

This commitment translates to reformed employment and labour laws aimed at promoting “decent work for all” and boosting production across industries. 

As evidence of progress, Ms. Mwamba pointed to successful improvements already achieved for domestic workers, shop workers, and general workers.

The Minister further acknowledged the challenges faced by workers due to the current economic climate and drought. She reassured them that the government is working tirelessly to address these issues.

Equipping the youth for the future was another key theme. Ms. Mwamba encouraged young people in Kalulushi to take advantage of skills training grants offered through the Community Development Fund (CDF) and other programs. 

These grants allow them to gain valuable skills at training institutes and centers, including those run by the Ministry itself. 

The Minister emphasized the government’s focus on building a skilled workforce by collaborating with training institutions and supporting initiatives that equip young people with industry-relevant skills.

However, the celebration wasn’t without its concerns. Kalulushi District Commissioner Kelly Jibinga expressed his worry about the high rate of youth unemployment, which is linked to increased crime. 

He appealed to the government to grant youths access to the TD6 dumpsite, hoping this would create job opportunities.

Additionally, Zambia Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) representative Nathan Zulu called for the implementation of more policies aimed at alleviating the burden of poverty on ordinary citizens and workers during these difficult economic times.

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