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Drop Lubinda Appeal, Focus on Better Investigations – Miyanda

Wesley Miyanda, a prominent voice in governance and human rights, is urging the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) to reconsider its stance on appealing the acquittal of Hon. Given Lubinda.

Miyanda argues that the ACC should prioritize thorough investigations before taking any case to court. 

He believes a more meticulous approach from the beginning would have prevented the need for an appeal in Lubinda’s case. 

By appealing the verdict, Miyanda suggests the ACC is disrespecting the court’s decision, which was based on the evidence the ACC itself presented. 

He emphasizes the importance of accepting the court’s judgement as a sign of respect for the judicial system.

Looking beyond this specific case, Miyanda sees Lubinda’s acquittal, along with others like it, as a learning opportunity for the ACC. 

These acquittals, he argues, should prompt the commission to improve its investigative methods. Stronger evidence is needed to secure convictions and avoid wasting valuable resources on weak cases.

However, Miyanda doesn’t shy away from expressing concerns about the justice system itself. While acknowledging successful prosecutions, he raises questions about perceived bias within the courts. 

He highlights seemingly contradictory verdicts in corruption and other criminal cases. A judge, according to Miyanda, should be beyond reproach, and their integrity is essential for a fair and functioning justice system.

In conclusion, Miyanda calls for a two-pronged approach. The ACC, in his view, needs to focus on conducting robust investigations before bringing charges. 

Additionally, he emphasizes the importance of upholding the integrity of the judiciary to ensure a fair and just system for all.

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