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Zambia Strengthens Family-Based Care for Vulnerable Children

The Zambian government has pledged its ongoing commitment to supporting alternative care systems that prioritize family environments for children in need. 

This announcement comes alongside the launch of the 2023-2027 National Strategy for SOS Children’s Villages in Zambia.

Minister of Community Development and Social Services, Ms. Doreen Mwamba, emphasized the government’s goal of ensuring “no child grows up alone,” highlighting the importance of love, respect, dignity, and security within a family setting.

The Ministry will collaborate with SOS Children’s Villages to achieve this objective. Collaboration will involve providing legal and regulatory frameworks to ensure vulnerable children are placed in care according to established laws. 

The Children’s Code Act No. 12 of 2022 plays a key role in protecting children’s rights, while minimum care standards for childcare facilities offer additional safeguards.

SOS Children’s Villages, represented by Board Chairperson Mr. Joseph Nakaanga, echoed the focus on family. 

The organization prioritizes reintegrating children with their biological families whenever possible, acknowledging research that suggests a family environment is optimal for raising responsible citizens. 

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