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Zambia’s Commitment to Disability Inclusion Receives Recognition 

Angela Kawandami, representing the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services, has highlighted Zambia’s significant progress in promoting inclusion and rights for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs). 

She emphasized the country’s strides in enhancing the well-being of PWDs, citing increased targets and amounts for social cash transfers and the adoption of the quarter system for employment.

Kawandami also noted the government’s efforts to appoint PWDs to key positions in various commissions, fostering their participation in decision-making processes.

This move aims to ensure their voices are heard in governance and national development initiatives.

The remarks were made during a courtesy call by a delegation from the National Disability Council of Namibia, currently in Zambia for an exchange visit. 

Angelique Philander, CEO of the Namibian council, expressed interest in learning from Zambia’s experiences to improve disability legislation in Namibia.

Moses Luneta, Chairperson of the Zambia Agency for Persons with Disabilities (ZAPD) Board, encouraged collaboration between institutions in the disability sector to maximize the benefits of the exchange visit.

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