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Chief Ntambu Says No Loadshedding in His Chiefdom

Chief Ntambu of the Lunda speaking people in Mwinilunga District, North Western Province, has exemplified exceptional leadership and environmental stewardship through his pioneering initiatives. 

These efforts have not only safeguarded the natural resources of his chiefdom but have also introduced sustainable solutions for the community’s well-being.

Chief Ntambu’s efforts have been so effective that his chiefdom is now free from the scourge of loadshedding, thanks to a hydropower generation plant established in the area. This achievement stands as a testament to the power of community-driven conservation efforts and sustainable development.

Acknowledging the pivotal role played by First Quantum Minerals (FQM), Chief Ntambu expressed gratitude for the company’s support in complementing his endeavors to protect and restock the once-depleted ecological region. 

Through partnerships with FQM and other organizations, the chiefdom has embarked on projects such as carbon trading and conservation initiatives like the West Lunga Conservation Project.

Reflecting on his journey, Chief Ntambu highlighted the challenges faced by his community, including the impact of civil wars in neighboring countries that led to a decline in natural resources. Undeterred, he resolved to restore and protect these resources upon his installation as chief in 1997.

The chief’s leadership was marked by proactive measures, including youth sensitization on the importance of conservation and, notably, advocating for their training and arming to protect natural resources against poaching—a stance that initially faced opposition but ultimately yielded positive results.

Chief Ntambu’s vision extended beyond conservation to empowering his people economically. Projects such as honey production, modern abattoirs, and a bakery have not only provided livelihood opportunities but also contributed to community development.

Furthermore, the chief emphasized a collective ownership approach, whereby all assets within the chiefdom belong to the people, ensuring equitable distribution of benefits and resources. 

This inclusive model has led to tangible outcomes, such as the establishment of a community-owned power station that provides uninterrupted electricity—a stark contrast to the loadshedding experienced elsewhere in Zambia.

The collaborative spirit of Chief Ntambu’s leadership was evident at the Traditional Leaders Caucus on Ending Forest Fires, where fellow chiefs and representatives rallied behind the shared goal of environmental preservation.

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