Breaking NewsHealth

ZAMMSA DG Visits UTH to Tackle Lab Reagent Shortage Head-On

ZAMMSA Director General, Mr. Victor Nyasulu, made a proactive move today by visiting the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) in response to reports of a shortage of laboratory reagents. 

Accompanied by senior ZAMMSA management, Nyasulu sought firsthand information about the situation at the health facility.

Expressing empathy for the challenges faced by UTH, Nyasulu outlined ZAMMSA’s strategy to swiftly address the critical shortage of laboratory reagents. 

During the visit, which included inspections of the Clinical Chemistry, Pathology, and Hematology Laboratories, Nyasulu gained insight into the specific challenges encountered at Zambia’s premier referral hospital.

Working in tandem with UTH Senior Medical Superintendent, Dr. Kachimba, Nyasulu reassured hospital staff of ZAMMSA’s unwavering commitment to ensuring an adequate stock of essential health commodities. 

This commitment aims to empower healthcare professionals to deliver high-quality services to the Zambian populace.

Nyasulu’s visit underscores ZAMMSA’s proactive approach in addressing healthcare challenges, reflecting a concerted effort to prioritize the well-being of the nation’s citizens. 

Stakeholders remain optimistic about the positive impact on healthcare delivery across Zambia, as efforts are underway to expedite procurement processes.

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