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ERB Suspends Operations at Puma Service Station, Kabwe Following Customer Complaints

In response to a slew of complaints from customers who refueled at the Puma Central Service Station in Kabwe District, Central Province, the Energy Regulation Board (ERB) has issued a directive for the immediate suspension of all retailing of petroleum products at the site.

The decision, announced by ERC Public Relations Manager Namukolo Kasumpa, comes after reports of issues encountered by customers who refueled at the station between February 21st and 22nd, 2024.

According to Kasumpa, this directive is in accordance with section 4 of the Energy Regulation Act No. 12 of 2019, which empowers the ERB to shut down any energy facility posing safety and health concerns to the public.

Kasumpa emphasized that the ERB is actively collaborating with the station’s operator and the Zambia Police Service, who are currently receiving and forwarding all complaints, to conduct a thorough investigation into the matter.

She stated, “If found wanting, appropriate enforcement action will be taken against the erring licensed enterprise.”

Highlighting the ERB’s commitment to consumer protection and ensuring the provision of quality energy products and services, Kasumpa encouraged members of the public to report any petroleum safety and quality concerns to the ERB via their toll-free line No. 8484.

The suspension of operations at the Puma Central Service Station underscores the ERB’s dedication to upholding safety standards and safeguarding the interests of consumers. As investigations proceed, stakeholders and the public await further updates on the matter.

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