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CF Calls for 48-Hour Lusaka Shutdown Amid Cholera Concerns

 Citizens First (CF) is calling upon the Zambian government to implement a 48-hour shutdown of Lusaka, expressing concerns over the rising threat of cholera and the lack of a national disaster declaration. 

The organization contends that this temporary closure is essential for engaging citizens in a massive cleaning effort to prepare for the upcoming school reopening.

Frank Sichone, the Spokesperson for Citizens First, emphasized the urgency of the situation, highlighting the government’s apparent laxity in addressing the cholera crisis. 

With schools scheduled to resume classes on January 29th, 2024, Mr. Sichone expressed worry that the Ministry of Education, led by Hon. Douglas Syakalima, has not provided adequate updates on the preparedness for the reopening.

Citizens First believes that the current state of readiness for school resumption is insufficient, and they fear the potential impact on the academic calendar and the well-being of students. 

Mr. Sichone underscored the importance of a proactive approach, especially in light of the reported increase in new cases of COVID-19.

Expressing concern over the potential escalation of COVID-19 numbers, Citizens First urged the government to take decisive action by implementing the proposed 48-hour shutdown.

Mr. Sichone emphasized that without such measures, containing the spread of both cholera and COVID-19 would be challenging, as business continues as usual for the general public.

The organization expressed hope that the Minister of Education would consider their recommendation, emphasizing the necessity of prioritizing the safety of children returning to school. 

As Citizens First pushes for this temporary shutdown, they advocate for a coordinated effort involving government agencies, citizens, and relevant stakeholders to ensure a thorough cleaning and preparation process for the resumption of normal activities in Lusaka.

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