Breaking NewsEducation

Education Minister Urges Church Partnership for Infrastructure Development

The Minister of Education, Hon. Douglas Syakalima, has emphasized the critical role of infrastructure development in delivering effective education and called for sustained collaboration between the government and the Church.

Hon. Syakalima highlighted the importance of partnerships with various sectors, especially the Church and the private sector, in implementing the Education for All policy. 

He stressed the need for joint efforts in constructing schools to meet the increasing demand for educational facilities.

The minister expressed these sentiments during a courtesy call from a delegation representing the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints at his office. 

He conveyed the government’s appreciation for the support received from the Church, particularly in the construction of essential school infrastructure.

“We are happy that so far your Church has spent K50 Million in supporting the government by constructing 57 classrooms, 12 housing units for teachers, and over 1000 desks in Chilanga, Chongwe, Lusaka, and Chibombo Districts,” stated Hon. Syakalima.

Elder Denilson Silva, 2nd counselor of the Africa South Area Presidency and leader of the delegation, assured the Minister that the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints remains committed to supporting the government in the education sector. 

He mentioned that, in 2024, the Church has pledged support for six new projects within Central and Lusaka Provinces.

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