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LCC Receives Donation from  Lions Club Amidst Cholera outbreak.

Lions District 413 Zambia has stepped forward with a commendable donation of materials worth over K460,000 to the Lusaka City Council (LCC) amidst Cholera outbreak.

The generous contribution, handed over at the Civic Centre, comprises crucial supplies such as personal protective equipment, disinfectants, chemicals, soap, examination gloves, and knapsack sprayers.

District Governor 413 Lion Patrick Bulundo expressed the organization’s commitment to easing the suffering of the people grappling with the cholera outbreak. 

He highlighted the importance of supporting the LCC’s public health workers who are at the forefront of the battle, emphasizing the Lions Club’s dedication to ensuring their safety by prioritizing personal protective wear.

Ms. Chailando Chitangala, the Mayor of Lusaka, received the donation and lauded the Lions Club for their symbolic and selfless gesture. 

She described the contribution as a representation of goodwill and impactful community service, coming at a critical time when the city faces a serious public health threat. 

The Mayor emphasized the strength of solidarity, empathy, and compassion in times of crisis, noting that the Lions Club’s donation of 400,000 kwacha worth of cholera preventive kits is a game-changer in the fight against cholera.

Expressing gratitude, Mayor Chitangala commended the Lions Club District 413 Zambia for their dedication to positively impact the lives of ordinary citizens through this significant donation. 

She stressed that working collaboratively with the Lions ensures that no one is left behind, especially those in cholera hotspot areas, and guarantees the much-needed attention to expedite the recovery process.

The LCC Acting Town Clerk, Engineer Liftery Ndaba, also praised the Lions for their substantial donation, stating that it would play a crucial role in the ongoing fight against cholera. 

He acknowledged the longstanding partnership between the Lions Club and the council, emphasizing the importance of such collaborations in addressing public health crises.

Eng. Ndaba highlighted the challenges faced by the Local Authority in the cholera fight, including fuel shortages, financial constraints, and logistical issues related to burying active shallow wells as per the presidential directive. 

He used the opportunity to appeal for more stakeholder support, emphasizing that a united front is essential to winning the cholera battle.

In conclusion, Eng. Ndaba asserted that the Lions Club’s donation would not only save lives but also restore dignity and ensure that communities in Lusaka have access to clean water and sanitation facilities.

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