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Lusaka Mayor Urges Civic Leaders for Collective Action on Climate Change

The Mayor of Lusaka, Her Worship Ms. Chilando Chitangala, called for collaborative efforts from civic leaders and stakeholders to address the challenges posed by climate change in the capital city.

The call to action came during the Commemoration of Stocktake 4 Climate Emergency, a joint initiative between Lusaka City Council and ICLEI held in Lusaka. 

Ms. Chitangala, who served as the guest of honour, emphasized the need for civic leaders to engage in community-level actions to combat climate change.

Expressing her administration’s commitment, the Mayor announced Lusaka’s participation in COOP28 Global, a global effort aimed at combating climate change. 

She highlighted the importance of aligning district plans with the recently launched National Climate Adaption Plan, addressing crucial aspects such as finance and justice.

Ms. Chitangala expressed her delight at the government’s increased budget allocation for the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) in 2024, amounting to k30.6 million. 

This financial commitment reflects the government’s dedication to alleviating housing poverty, improving living standards, and promoting a sustainable urban future for the majority of Zambians.

Lusaka City was revealed to be among the 13 cities and regions selected to receive the Global South Fund provided by ICLEI. The fund will contribute to hosting events like the Stocktake 4 Climate Emergency, marking a local-level commitment towards the first Global Stocktake led by the United Nations Climate Change.

The Mayor underscored the importance of investing in sustainable development strategies that benefit all residents, regardless of their social status. 

She urged citizens to take responsibility for implementing mitigation measures to address the escalating challenges of global warming.

Deputy Mayor Her Honour Ms. Ketty Nanyangwe and various councillors from all wards were also in attendance.

The press statement was issued by Dorothy Phiri, the Public Relations Officer of Lusaka City Council, and accompanying pictures were provided by Bwalya Kalimanshi. The event marks a pivotal moment in Lusaka’s commitment to addressing climate change and fostering a sustainable urban future.

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