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Concerns Mount Over Fulfillment of Promises and Democratic Values in Zambia Under UPND Government

The tenure of HH and the United Party for National Development (UPND) government in Zambia has given rise to concerns regarding the fulfillment of their campaign promises and their commitment to democratic principles, according to Edwin Lifwekelo, the Acting Media Director of the Patriotic Front (PF).

During their campaign, HH and UPND emphasized economic revitalization and job creation as key goals. However, the current economic challenges and a noticeable lack of substantial job creation have led many to question the government’s financial management, transparency, and accountability.

Furthermore, their anti-corruption efforts have faced criticism for being perceived as selective and politically motivated. Investigations and prosecutions seem to target political opponents rather than ensuring a fair and impartial anti-corruption campaign.

Additionally, the UPND government’s commitment to democratic principles, including freedom of speech and a free press, has come under scrutiny.

Reports of journalist intimidation and media outlet closures have raised concerns about a diminishing space for open dialogue and criticism, which contradicts the principles they advocated during their campaign.

There are also concerns about the UPND government’s response to protests and rallies, which some view as heavy-handed and contrary to the rule of law.

Lifwekelo emphasizes the importance of holding leaders accountable and ensuring that they fulfill their campaign promises to maintain Zambia’s democracy and good governance.

The report underscores the necessity for continued vigilance from Zambian citizens, civil society organizations, and the international community to monitor the government’s actions and its adherence to the principles they espoused during the election campaign.

This story has been adopted from the SMART EAGLES.

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