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 ZAMMSA Distributes Over 7.5 Million Condoms to Copperbelt Region This Year

In response to recent reports of more than 5,000 individuals in the Copperbelt region seeking treatment for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) this year, the Zambia Medicines and Medical Supplies Agency (ZAMMSA) has issued a statement. Bradley Chingobe, the Senior Manager-Public Relations, clarified that ZAMMSA has distributed a substantial quantity of condoms to the province.

ZAMMSA has supplied a total of 6,975,020 male condoms through regular orders, in addition to 552,920 condoms included in Health Center Kits distributed across the Copperbelt this year. The agency has also made 49,844 female condoms available. Altogether, this amounts to nearly 8 million male and female condoms distributed to healthcare facilities in the Copperbelt region in the current year.

ZAMMSA emphasized that there is a sufficient stock of Reproductive Health commodities, including both male and female condoms, available nationwide. There is no need for concern regarding shortages of these essential items in any region of the country.

Recognizing the crucial role of these life-saving commodities in communities, ZAMMSA has consistently delivered essential medicines and medical supplies throughout the country. They encourage all facilities to maintain routine orders and to contact ZAMMSA for emergency orders if stock levels become critically low.

Furthermore, the public is urged to take full advantage of these freely available reproductive health commodities at the over 3000 public health facilities across the nation.

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