
Transparency International Zambia Welcomes Appointment of ACC Deputy Director General

Transparency International Zambia (TI-Z) has extended its warm congratulations and welcomed the appointment of Mrs. Monica Chipanta Mwansa as the Deputy Director General of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC). TI-Z views this appointment as a significant and timely step in strengthening the ACC’s capacity to combat corruption across all sectors of society and to enhance the Commission’s operational efficiency.

Mrs. Monica Chipanta Mwansa brings a wealth of experience and expertise to her new role, making her a commendable choice for this important position. With over 14 years of practice at the Zambian Bar, she has earned a reputation for integrity and unwavering dedication to anti-corruption initiatives. Her experience in criminal litigation and research further underscores her qualifications for this role.

TI-Z believes that Mrs. Mwansa’s appointment will yield substantial improvements in the ACC’s leadership structure, providing clear guidance and direction for its dedicated staff. The organization anticipates that this move will facilitate a more coordinated and strategic approach to addressing corruption in Zambia.

One of the key expectations from Mrs. Mwansa’s appointment is the infusion of fresh insights and innovative solutions into the ACC’s operations. Her expertise in anti-corruption strategies and policies is seen as a valuable asset that can contribute to the Commission’s effectiveness in combating corruption.

TI-Z is eager to continue its collaboration with the entire leadership team at the ACC as they continue to lead the charge against corruption in Zambia. The organization remains committed to working alongside the ACC to promote transparency, integrity, and good governance, ensuring that the fight against corruption remains at the forefront of Zambia’s agenda.

As Mrs. Mwansa takes on her new role, her dedication and experience will undoubtedly play a vital role in advancing the ACC’s mission to root out corruption and uphold the principles of accountability and transparency in Zambia.

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