

A historic moment unfolded at Transparency International Zambia (TI-Z) as Mrs. Priscilla Chikonde Chansa was elected as the new Chapter President and Chairperson of the Board of Directors. The landmark election took place during an Extraordinary General Meeting held on Friday, 28th July 2023, making Mrs. Chansa the first-ever female to assume the TI-Z Chapter Presidency.

With an impressive twenty-year tenure as a TI-Z member, Mrs. Chansa brings a wealth of experience and expertise to her new role. She is a highly accomplished legal practitioner, serving as the Managing Partner for Chikonde Legal Practitioners, and holds a Master of Laws Degree in International Business and Commercial Law from the University of Manchester, UK, and a Bachelor of Laws Degree from the University of Zambia.

Mrs. Chansa’s extensive background in Corporate Governance, coupled with her advocacy for good governance and transparency, positions her well to lead TI-Z in its anti-corruption endeavors. She is an Advocate of the High Court of Zambia, an accredited Insolvency Practitioner, and an Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. Furthermore, her past roles as Company Secretary for organizations like the Development Bank of Zambia and the National Savings and Credit Bank add valuable experience to her new leadership position.

TI-Z is confident that Mrs. Chansa’s appointment will strengthen the organization’s commitment to fighting corruption and promoting good governance throughout Zambia. Her elevation marks a significant milestone in advancing gender diversity and equality in leadership positions within the country’s anti-corruption landscape.

The newly elected TI-Z Board, which will serve for the next three years, includes Prof. Lewis Chilufya as Chapter Vice President, Dr. Chileshe Kandondo as Treasurer, and Committee Members Mr. Lackson Lungu, Mr. Moono Chikumbi, Ms. Martha Mukosa, and Ms. Angela Munthali.

As the organization moves forward under Mrs. Chansa’s leadership, TI-Z expressed its appreciation and gratitude to outgoing President Mr. Sampa Kalungu and his team for their exceptional contributions during their tenure. Their strategic guidance, commitment to developing TI-Z’s 2023-2026 strategic plan, and ensuring the organization’s long-term sustainability have been commendable.

TI-Z remains steadfast in its commitment to fighting corruption, promoting accountability, and advocating for good governance across all sectors of society. With the new leadership, the organization vows to intensify its efforts and continue striving for a more transparent and accountable Zambia.

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