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Dr. Kikwete Highlights Africa’s Food System Champions at Upcoming Africa Food Systems Forum

As the Africa Food Systems (AFS) Forum approaches, Dr. Jakaya Kikwete, former President of Tanzania and Chairman of the African Food Prize (AFP) nominating committee, emphasizes the importance of celebrating the continent’s food system innovators.

Dr. Kikwete reflected on the achievements of past AFP laureates, including the 2023 winner, the Pan-African Bean Research Alliance (PABRA), which developed over 650 bean varieties, benefiting 37 million smallholder farmers and 300 million consumers. 

The recognition, he noted, has spurred further innovation and collaboration, with PABRA now expanding their focus beyond beans and establishing an academy to train youth in agricultural innovation.

The AFP has been instrumental in spotlighting critical innovations, such as Dr. Catherine Nakalembe’s work in crop mapping using remote sensing and Dr. Andre Bationo’s micro-dosing fertilizer technologies, which have significantly increased crop yields in West Africa. 

These innovations align with Africa’s commitments, including those in the Nairobi Declaration on Fertilizer and Soil Health.

As the AFS Forum kicks off in Kigali, the spotlight will be on climate change, digital innovations, and youth leadership in Africa. 

Dr. Kikwete expressed optimism that the forum would foster resolutions to tackle the continent’s pressing challenges, particularly climate change and the need to empower the youth.

With the nominating committee reviewing hundreds of exceptional applications for this year’s AFP, the anticipation is high to see who will be recognized as Africa’s next food system champion. 

Dr. Kikwete believes these awards not only honor outstanding contributions but also inspire further innovation, essential for the continent’s food security and overall development.

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