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Essential Safety Tips for Operating Your Generator

As Zambia faces potential power deficits due to recent droughts and dropping dam levels, many households and businesses are turning to generators as a reliable alternative energy source. While generators offer a valuable solution during power cuts, proper safety precautions are crucial to prevent potential hazards.

Kate Muir, owner of Turf & Timber Quip, emphasizes that while generators are a robust choice, they come with safety risks that need to be managed. 

“Hundreds of households and businesses have turned to generators to keep their lights on and appliances running,” says Muir. “The majority of generators are fuel-driven, and they can be dangerous if not handled correctly. By following the instructions that come with each machine, you can ensure safe operation.”

Here are six essential safety tips for operating your generator:

  1. Operate Outdoors Only
    Generators must be used in open areas with proper ventilation to prevent carbon monoxide build-up. Never run a generator indoors or in enclosed spaces such as garages. Position the generator at least five meters away from your home or office, with the exhaust directed away from windows and doors.
  2. Avoid “Backfeeding”
    Never connect a generator directly to your home’s electrical system by plugging it into a wall outlet. This practice, known as “backfeeding,” poses serious risks of electrocution to utility workers and neighbors, and can damage your electronics. Ensure that you do not run high-power equipment like welders from your generator to avoid potential failures.
  3. Keep It Dry
    To prevent electrocution, do not touch the generator with wet hands and avoid operating it in rainy conditions. Set up the generator on a dry surface and use a heavy-duty outdoor extension cord. Ensure the cord is free of damage and the plug is intact to avoid shocks.
  4. Proper Fuel Handling
    Store extra fuel in a cool, well-ventilated area, away from the generator. Always turn off and cool the generator before refueling. Store fuel in a locked container to prevent unauthorized access, especially by children.
  5. Maintain a Clear Area
    Generators emit significant heat and should be kept away from flammable materials. Wear protective gloves when handling the generator and ensure a fire extinguisher is readily available and in working condition.
  6. Regular Maintenance
    Just like a vehicle, your generator requires regular servicing to function safely and efficiently. Routine maintenance will help keep the generator in good condition and ensure your safety.

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