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270 Young Zambians with Disabilities to Receive Jobs and Financial Empowerment

The Future Makers Rise/E Project has been launched to empower 270 young Zambians with disabilities, providing them with financial support and job opportunities.

This initiative will not only enable these youths to access dignified work but will also strengthen micro-enterprises owned by both disabled and non-disabled youth by facilitating access to finance and nurturing job creation.

The Future Makers Ready for Inclusive Sustainable Employment and Entrepreneurship (Rise/E) project aims to foster economic inclusion for youth and persons with disabilities. 

Funded by Standard Chartered Bank and implemented in partnership with Sightsavers, Challenge Worldwide, and the Zambia Federation for Disability Organizations, this project is a significant step towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals 8 and 12, which advocate for economic growth, full and productive employment, decent work for all, and reduced inequalities.

Ministry of Youth, Sport, and Arts Permanent Secretary Kangwa Chileshe officiated the launch in Lusaka. He expressed the Government’s pride and support for the project, highlighting the New Dawn Government’s dedication to ensuring equal opportunities for all Zambians, regardless of their background or abilities.

Mr. Chileshe noted the current unemployment rates of 6.13% overall and 11.03% among the youth, emphasizing the need to bridge the skills gap in the labour market. 

He stressed that while the Government provides policy guidance and creates an enabling environment, true transformation requires collaborative efforts from all stakeholders.

Emphasizing that disability does not equate to inability, Mr. Chileshe called on employers, including private sector companies and state-owned enterprises, to champion inclusivity in hiring practices and supplier diversity. 

He urged collective action to dismantle barriers that hinder the meaningful participation of youth and persons with disabilities in economic development.

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