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Low Agricultural Productivity Expected Due to Drought, Says ANDD

The Advocates for National Development and Democracy (ANDD) have raised concerns about the current drought’s impact on the country’s agricultural sector. The organisation anticipates significantly low productivity, urging government intervention to address the issue.

ANDD Executive Director Samuel Banda suggests that the government should focus on revamping the mining sector to generate resources needed to mitigate the drought’s effects.

He hopes the government will resuscitate Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) through the investor Vedanta Resources by the first week of July, believing this move will boost economic growth through job and business creation.

“We also want the government to operationalize Kanseseli Gold Mine and set up a Sugilite industrial hub,” Banda said.

He further urged mining industries to establish thermal power stations to support their operations, reducing pressure on the state electricity company, ZESCO. This would allow ZESCO to better support Small Business Enterprises (SMEs) with electricity.

Banda explained that prolonged load shedding has severely impacted SMEs like bakeries, welders, and barbershops, leading to reduced production, profitability, and job losses.

The increased pressure on ZESCO from mining industries exacerbates the situation, contributing to rising poverty and unemployment.

“We call on mining industries to invest in thermal power stations to ease the burden on ZESCO and support their operations,” Banda concluded.

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