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Kagame Vows to Defend Rwanda Against “Irrational” DRC Threats

Rwandan President Paul Kagame has declared that Rwanda is prepared to defend itself against any threats from Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) President Félix Tshisekedi. 

This statement comes amid escalating tensions between the two nations, with Tshisekedi’s government accusing Rwanda of aggression and involvement in the ongoing conflict in DRC’s North Kivu region.

In a recent interview with France 24, President Kagame labeled Tshisekedi an “irrational leader” who has failed to resolve internal conflicts within the DRC and instead shifts blame onto Rwanda. 

Kagame firmly denied any Rwandan involvement in the unrest in eastern DRC and emphasized Rwanda’s readiness to protect its sovereignty against any form of attack.

“Tshisekedi’s accusations are baseless and a diversion from his own failure to achieve a lasting solution to the internal conflict,” Kagame asserted. “Rwanda remains committed to peace but will not hesitate to defend itself against unwarranted aggression.”

Despite the strong words, Kagame also expressed a willingness to engage in dialogue with Tshisekedi. He affirmed his readiness to sit down for talks to foster peace and stability between the two neighboring countries. “We are open to dialogue and believe that peaceful negotiations are the best way forward for both nations,” Kagame stated.

The tensions have drawn international attention, with many concerned about the potential for increased conflict in the already volatile region. Analysts urge diplomatic efforts to de-escalate the situation and promote a peaceful resolution.

Rwanda and the DRC have a history of strained relations, often marked by accusations and counter-accusations of supporting rebel movements and destabilizing each other’s territories. 

The current standoff adds to the complexity of regional dynamics and the challenges of achieving lasting peace in the Great Lakes region.

Source: DRC News Today

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