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Minister Mwiimbu Calls for Unified Effort Against Transnational Crimes at SADC Chiefs of Police Meeting 

Minister of Home Affairs Jack Mwiimbu has called for enhanced cooperation and coordination in the fight against transnational crimes. 

Speaking this morning at the opening of the 29th Annual General Meeting of the SADC Chiefs of Police sub-committee/SARPCCO of the Inter-State Defence and Security Committee (ISDSC), Mr. Mwiimbu emphasized the necessity of collective efforts in combating today’s borderless crimes.

“In today’s interconnected world, crime knows no borders. Issues such as terrorism, human trafficking, drug smuggling, and cybercrime pose significant threats that can only be effectively addressed through regional cooperation and coordination,” said Mr. Mwiimbu. 

He stressed that only by working together, sharing intelligence, and harmonizing efforts can a formidable force be created against these transnational threats.

The minister acknowledged the significant strides made in enhancing collective security initiatives. 

He highlighted the positive results from joint operations, training programs, and information-sharing mechanisms. 

However, he emphasized the need for continuous evaluation of strategies, adaptation of new technologies, and strengthened partnerships to stay ahead of those who seek to disrupt peace and security.

Reaffirming the government’s commitment, Mr. Mwiimbu stated, “We are dedicated to working together for a safer and more secure SADC region.” 

He also called for ongoing assessments and improvements in the collective approach to ensure the region remains resilient against evolving threats.

In his address, Mr. Mwiimbu congratulated the incoming SARPCCO chairperson, Inspector General Chief of Police of the United Republic of Tanzania Police Force, Mr. Camillus M. Wambura. 

Mr. Wambura will be taking over the chairmanship from Zambia Police Inspector General Graphel Musamba.

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