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Kagem Mining Limited Funds Groundbreaking of Chapula Polytechnic, Zambia’s First Official Polytechnic 

The Minister of Technology and Science, Hon. Felix Mutati, MP, today led the groundbreaking ceremony for the Chapula Polytechnic in Lufwanyama, marking the beginning of construction for Zambia’s first official polytechnic. 

This project is a result of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed in September 2023 between Kagem Mining Limited (Kagem) and the Zambian government, with Kagem committing ZMW 52.5 million (USD 2.5 million) to the initiative.

The Chapula Polytechnic aims to equip locals from Lufwanyama and neighbouring areas with skills essential for employment, including opportunities at the Kagem mine. This effort aligns with the government’s Eighth National Development Plan (8NDP).

Minister Mutati highlighted the government’s collaboration with Kagem to establish a world-class polytechnic: “Kagem has responded to the challenge by agreeing to invest USD 2.5 million to construct and equip the polytechnic. We want the people of Lufwanyama to be proud that they can contribute substantively to the delivery of skills not only here but beyond.”

Upon completion, the polytechnic will be managed by the Technical Education, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training Authority (TEVETA) and will offer courses designed to meet industry standards. 

Proposed courses include carpentry, plumbing, heavy earth moving machinery, and IT skills training. The curriculum will integrate various sectors, such as agriculture and mining, to support a holistic development agenda.

Dr Sixtus Mulenga, Chairman of Kagem, expressed the company’s dedication to the local community: “For Kagem, it is our honour and privilege to be an active member of the community here in Lufwanyama. We hope the Chapula Polytechnic will enhance the skills base in the district and create new opportunities for trade and industry.”

Kagem’s Managing Director, CV Suresh, emphasised the importance of inspiring the youth: “With the Chapula Polytechnic, we hope to inspire youths to expand their outlook and grasp growth opportunities. The future of Zambia is in this generation’s hands, and this training centre will play a part in upskilling them for prosperity.”

The ceremony saw attendance from various dignitaries, including Copperbelt Provincial Minister Hon. Elisha Matambo, MP, local councillors, and chiefs, alongside Kagem management, employees, industry peers, and community members.

The construction of Chapula Polytechnic is expected to be completed by the end of 2025.

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