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SADC Delegation Visits DRC to Address Kasumbalesa Border Challenges

Ms. Angéle Makombo N’Tumba, the Deputy Executive Secretary for Regional Integration of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), engaged in fruitful discussions with Mr. Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), towards bolstering regional cooperation and trade facilitation.

The meeting, held on May 6th, 2024, in Kinshasa, DRC, aimed at addressing pressing issues hindering trade and commerce, particularly at the Kasumbalesa border post between DRC and Zambia.

The courtesy visit preceded the Inter-Ministerial Task Force (IMTF) meeting of SADC Ministers responsible for transport, trade, and security matters, currently underway in Kinshasa. 

Ms. N’Tumba, accompanied by Mr. Mubita Luwabelwa, the Director of Policy, Planning, and Resource Mobilization at the SADC Secretariat, assured the Minister of SADC’s unwavering commitment to supporting member states in achieving regional integration goals.

Key highlights of the discussions included the structuring of the upcoming interministerial meeting, scheduled for May 9th, 2024, which will focus on considering a Framework of Cooperation and Action Plan designed jointly by DRC and Zambia, with support from the SADC Secretariat. 

The aim is to find sustainable solutions to challenges hampering trade and commerce at the Kasumbalesa border post, a vital regional transit point.

Minister Nyamwisi reiterated DRC’s determination to resolve the longstanding issues at the Kasumbalesa border post, emphasizing its significance not only for DRC and Zambia but for the entire SADC region’s integration agenda. 

He emphasized that addressing border congestion would lead to enhanced trade flows, improved border operations, and reduced costs, benefiting traders, businesses, and the general population, particularly women and youth engaged in cross-border activities.

The resolution of the Kasumbalesa border issue holds promise for fostering regional integration, enhancing security, promoting tourism, and improving cross-border relations. 

Both parties affirmed their commitment to collaborative efforts aimed at realizing these objectives, underscoring the collective benefits for the people of the region.

Source: SADC

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