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Zambia Participates in Negotiations on International Plastic Pollution Treaty

The Zambian Ministry of Green Economy and Environment actively participated in the fourth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-4) for a global treaty on plastic pollution. The event took place April 23rd to 29th, 2024, at the Shaw Center in Ottawa, Canada.

This INC-4 session follows a landmark resolution at the recent UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-5.2) that greenlit the development of an international treaty specifically targeting plastic pollution, including in the marine environment. 

The treaty aims for a comprehensive approach, tackling plastic across its entire lifecycle, from production and design to disposal.

Prior to INC-4, regional consultations were held on April 21st, 2024. The overall objective of INC-4 was to make significant progress on the treaty negotiations. 

The committee aims to finalize the treaty text by its fifth session, enabling countries to effectively implement it and combat plastic pollution globally.

A revised draft treaty text (UNEP/PP/INC.4/3) was presented, containing various options and alternative proposals for different provisions. The focus of INC-4 was to identify areas where countries have common ground and bridge any remaining differences in positions. 

These discussions proved successful, with progress made towards a more unified treaty.

Zambia was represented by a delegation from the Ministry of Green Economy and Environment: Ms. Agalasia Chisenga (Principal Legal Officer) and Ms. Mayando Kanyata (Senior Environment Management Officer). Their participation demonstrates Zambia’s commitment to tackling plastic pollution as a global issue.

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