AgricultureBreaking NewsClimate Change/ESG

Govt to Partner with Traditional Leaders on Culture, Climate Change

The Minister of Green Economy and Environment, Hon. Eng. Collins Nzovu MP, embarked on a significant initiative to collaborate with traditional leaders across the country to preserve cultural heritage and combat climate change.

This announcement came during his visit to Western Province, where he convened with Western Province Permanent Secretary Mr. Simomo Akalelwa.

The purpose of Hon. Nzovu’s visit to Mongu, Western Province, was to partake in the 2024 Kuomboka Ceremony for The Litunga La Mboela Mulena Mukwae Imwiko of Lwambi Chiefdom in Nalolo District.

The ceremony, scheduled for Saturday, April 27th, 2024, revolves around the theme of “Cultural Heritage, Adapting to Climate Change.”

In discussions with Mr. Akalelwa, Hon. Nzovu emphasized the importance of leveraging natural capital responsibly, particularly highlighting the significance of trees.

He expressed concerns over dwindling water levels and depleted fish stocks, cautioning against the subsequent rise in charcoal burning and illegal logging activities. To counteract these threats, he stressed the necessity of promoting agricultural activities as an alternative livelihood.

Furthermore, Hon. Nzovu reiterated the government’s commitment to collaborating with traditional leaders nationwide. Their partnership aims to preserve cultural heritage, mitigate the impacts of climate change, and ensure equitable distribution of resources among local communities.

“We want to ensure that people switch more and more to agriculture activities,” Hon. Nzovu affirmed, underlining the government’s dedication to sustainable development practices.

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