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Chief Kawaza Lauds Government’s Development Efforts in Katete District 

Chieftainess Kawaza of Katete District in Eastern Province has expressed her appreciation to the government for its commitment to implementing meaningful developmental projects, particularly in rural areas of the country.

In a meeting with the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Hon Gary Nkombo, MP, accompanied by Permanent Secretary (Technical Services) Mr Nicholas Phiri, Chieftainess Kawaza commended the government’s dedication to ensuring equitable development across all chiefdoms.

She specifically cited the support received from the government in facilitating the construction of a palace and a Police post in her chiefdom through the enhanced Constituency Development Fund (CDF). The presence of law enforcement officers closer to communities, she emphasized, will contribute significantly to maintaining law and order.

Chieftainess Kawaza expressed confidence that these projects, once completed, will not only enhance the physical infrastructure in her chiefdom but also serve as catalysts for economic development.

In response, Hon Nkombo assured the traditional leader that the government is committed to completing all developmental projects, including the construction of palaces in various chiefdoms, in a timely manner to provide chiefs with decent accommodation.

During their visit, the Minister and his entourage inspected the construction of Chieftainess Kawaza’s new palace and the Police Post, expressing satisfaction with the progress and adherence to quality standards of the projects.

Hon Nkombo emphasized that these projects not only address immediate infrastructural needs but also contribute to the economic advancement of Katete District as a whole.

He further highlighted the positive impact of the enhanced CDF in improving the livelihoods of communities, as local people are empowered to make decisions on the projects they want in their chiefdoms.

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