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LCC Cracks Down on Illegal Alcohol Sales

The Legal Services, Licensing, and Administration Committee of the Lusaka City Council embarked on a mission to assess compliance levels regarding alcohol sales within Kabwata and Munali Constituencies. 

Led by newly elected Committee Chairperson, Councillor Gerald Samboko, the tour aimed to provide committee members with a firsthand understanding of the situation.

During the inspection, the team uncovered a troubling rise in illegal alcohol sales. Numerous traders were discovered selling alcohol without proper documentation, a clear violation of the Public Health Act Chapter 295 of Zambia and the Liquor Licensing Act No. 20 of 2011. 

Furthermore, some establishments were operating in unsanitary conditions, in direct contravention of regulations.

The team also observed individuals conducting trade along the streets, a direct breach of Statutory Instrument No. 12 of 2018.

In response, the Lusaka City Council has issued a stern warning, emphasizing that illegal liquor store owners must cease their unlawful activities immediately. The council underscores its commitment to enforcing the law to uphold order and safety within the city.

Bwalya Kalimanshi, Public Relations Officer for the Lusaka City Council, stressed that any form of illegal activity within Lusaka will not be tolerated. Adherence to the law is paramount, and the council will take decisive action against those who flout regulations.

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