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JICA and Lusaka Mayor Discuss City Development Plan

On 25th March, representatives from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) met with the Mayor of Lusaka, Ms. Chilando Chitangala, to talk about plans for improving the city.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss a Comprehensive Regional Development Masterplan (RDP) for Greater Lusaka City.

This plan aims to make the city better by dealing with issues like unplanned settlements, economic growth, urban farming, and improving infrastructure like water and transportation.

The head of the JICA team, Mr. Tateyama Jotaro, said that over 70% of Lusaka’s people live in unplanned areas, which makes it easier for diseases like cholera to spread. He explained that this plan would help make the city safer and healthier for everyone.

Mr. Jotaro also mentioned that this plan lines up with international goals for sustainable development, especially one about making cities better and more sustainable.

Mayor Chitangala welcomed the JICA team and promised to support their plan to make Lusaka a better place for everyone.

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