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LCC and Police Apprehend 50 Individuals for Riotous Behavior in CBD

In a joint operation between the Lusaka City Council (LCC) and the State Police, 50 individuals have been apprehended for engaging in riotous behavior targeting Council police officers within the Central Business District (CBD) of Lusaka.

According to Nyambe Bulumba, Assistant Public Relations Manager at LCC, the incident unfolded on Saturday, March 23rd, 2024, along Katondo Street during the enforcement of regulations prohibiting street vending, as stipulated by Statutory Instrument No. 12 of 2018.

The operation, aimed at maintaining order and regulating commercial activities, was met with violent resistance from vendors, who resorted to hurling stones at unarmed officers. 

Consequently, the suspects were detained, and their merchandise, which included highly intoxicating beer known as Kachasu, braziers, assorted drinks, among other items, was confiscated.

Expressing strong condemnation, Mr. Bulumba emphasized the disruptive nature of such confrontations, hindering the swift provision of essential services. 

He underscored that the Council’s role is not adversarial but facilitative in law enforcement, with the primary goal of ensuring efficient service delivery.

Highlighting the importance of compliance with regulations governing street vending, Mr. Bulumba stressed the necessity for respect towards law enforcement officers. 

He issued a stern warning to illegal vendors, affirming LCC’s commitment to employing all legal measures to penalize offenses and prevent future transgressions.

Moreover, Mr. Bulumba reiterated the council’s dedication to safeguarding public health by advocating for trade in facilities meeting sanitary standards, thereby mitigating risks associated with street vending-related diseases.

The apprehended individuals are set to be presented before a competent court as LCC continues its efforts to uphold order and decorum in commercial activities within the city.

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