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President of Angola Commemorates Southern Africa Liberation Day with Call for Unity and Education

His Excellency João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço, President of the Republic of Angola and Chairperson of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), delivered a heartfelt address on Southern Africa Liberation Day, honoring the sacrifices made by countless individuals in the region’s struggle for freedom and unity.

Speaking from Luanda, Angola, President Lourenço reflected on the historic battle at Cuito Cuanavale 36 years ago, emphasizing its significance in ushering in a new era of development and peace for Angola and the broader Southern Africa region. 

He highlighted the pivotal role played by the People’s Armed Forces for the Liberation of Angola (FAPLA), Cuban internationalists, and freedom fighters from various movements, whose collective efforts led to the liberation of Namibia, South Africa, and the entire Southern African region.

President Lourenço underscored the importance of unity and solidarity among oppressed peoples, emphasizing that the region’s liberation struggle is intertwined with its very existence. 

He lauded recent initiatives, such as the unveiling of a statue commemorating the late H.E. Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere, the first President of Tanzania, as a powerful symbol of the sacrifices made by liberation stalwarts.

Furthermore, President Lourenço announced the distribution of Hashim Mbita publications documenting the region’s liberation struggle, with translations into multiple languages underway. 

He commended member states that have incorporated liberation history into their school curricula and urged continued efforts to educate future generations about the region’s past.

Highlighting the importance of youth engagement, President Lourenço announced an annual Essay Competition for university students, with this year’s theme focusing on the roles of the founding fathers in shaping the vision for regional integration. 

He stressed the need to preserve the legacy of liberation and ensure that future generations are inspired to uphold the principles of inclusion and unity.

In closing, President Lourenço called for collective efforts to safeguard fundamental freedoms, peace, and security in the region, while embracing the potential for Southern Africa to contribute positively to the global community.

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