Breaking NewsHealth

ACC Director General Urges Courage in Fighting Corruption within Health Practitioners Council

Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) Director General Mr. Thom Shamakamba has emphasized the importance of courage among Integrity Committee (IC) members in a bid to bolster the fight against corruption within the Health Practitioners Council of Zambia (HPCZ)..

During the official opening of an IC training session, Mr. Shamakamba acknowledged the formidable challenge of combating corruption, noting that the corrupt often retaliate against efforts to root out unethical practices. 

He urged IC members to remain steadfast in their commitment to integrity, despite facing resistance.

Highlighting the detrimental effects of corruption on the delivery of quality health services, Mr. Shamakamba stressed the need for effective mechanisms within the HPCZ to ensure that the interests of the Zambian people are protected.

In response to the call to action, HPCZ Chief Executive Officer Prof. Fastone Goma affirmed the council’s commitment to upholding zero tolerance for corrupt practices. 

Prof. Goma, represented by Deputy Registrar-Administration Mrs. Mutinta Musaila, urged IC members to carry out their duties with integrity and without compromise.

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