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Record Toll Gate Revenue of K2.9 Billion Fuels Road Development Projects in Zambia

The National Road Fund Agency (NRFA) of Zambia reported a record-breaking revenue collection of K2.9 billion from Toll Gates in 2023. 

This achievement surpassed the revenue target of K2.3 billion, marking a notable 15 percent increase compared to the K2.5 billion collected in the previous year.

The funds collected were promptly allocated to various road projects and related activities across the country, managed by the Road Development Agency (RDA), Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA), and the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development. 

Most prominently, the allocated funds were utilized to settle arrears owed to road contractors and consultants, streamlining project execution and enhancing efficiency in the sector.

A detailed breakdown revealed that a total of 26 million vehicle transactions were processed at Toll Gates nationwide, indicating a substantial increase of about 7.8 percent compared to the previous year’s 24 million transactions. 

Particularly noteworthy was the surge in transactions from foreign-registered motor vehicles, which accounted for 8 million transactions, resulting in a total revenue collection of K1 billion. This marked a significant leap from the 2 million transactions and K370 million revenue recorded in 2022 from this category.

In addition to Toll Gate revenues, the NRFA also disbursed funds derived from road sector revenue, including fuel levy, government appropriations, loans, and grants. 

Over K1.7 billion was allocated for the maintenance of urban and feeder roads nationwide, while more than K1 billion was dedicated to the rehabilitation and upgrading of roads spanning across all ten provinces of Zambia.

Among the notable projects financed during the year were the upgrading and rehabilitation of selected urban roads in Lusaka, the rehabilitation of the Mongu Limulunga Road in Western Province, and the upgrading of the Chiengi – Kaputa Road in Luapula Province.

Significant investments were also directed towards the upgrading of the Mwinilunga to Jimbe Road in North-Western Province, the Kafue Hook Bridge in Central Province, and periodic maintenance of feeder roads in Lufwanyama on the Copperbelt Province, among others.

Looking ahead, the NRFA emphasized its commitment to collaborating with implementing agencies and institutions, leveraging the National Road Tolling program to sustainably finance road infrastructure development within the framework of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs). 

With a solid financial foundation and strategic partnerships in place, Zambia is poised to accelerate its efforts towards enhancing connectivity, driving economic growth, and improving the overall quality of life for its citizens through robust infrastructure development.

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