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Government Partners with Japan to Boost Skilled Construction Equipment Operators in Zambia 

The Zambian government, in collaboration with the Government of Japan and with support from the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and Hitachi Construction Machinery Company Limited, has embarked on a groundbreaking initiative to address the increasing demand for skilled construction equipment operators in Zambia’s burgeoning construction and mining sectors.

The Ministry of Technology and Science, represented by Minister Felix Mutati, recently presided over the commissioning of a state-of-the-art industrial construction operations training equipment at the Kitwe Vocational Training Center (KVTC). 

With a total project investment of $4.4 million, this endeavor marks a significant step towards equipping Zambian youths with the necessary skills to thrive in these critical sectors.

Minister Mutati expressed profound gratitude to the cooperative partners for their unwavering support, emphasizing the transformative impact this initiative has had on KVTC. 

He highlighted the noticeable increase in enrollment numbers, particularly citing the effects of the CDF skills bursary program, which has not only boosted income generation but also provided a solid foundation for the institute to expand its training programs and entrepreneurial activities.

During his visit, Minister Mutati observed the practical training sessions, where youths, including females, demonstrated proficiency in operating heavy-duty equipment like dump trucks. 

He urged the institute’s management to initiate a deliberate skills exchange program with other institutions to facilitate knowledge transfer and cultural appreciation among students.

Encouraging Zambian youths to seize the opportunities provided by the industrial construction equipment operations training, Minister Mutati also urged KVTC to address infrastructure challenges such as upgrading student ablution facilities and supplementing training equipment to enhance the learning environment.

Echoing Minister Mutati’s sentiments, Allen Banda, Member of Parliament for Chimwewe Area, emphasized the importance of KVTC affiliating with local mines on the Copperbelt to ensure students receive real-world, hands-on training that meets industry standards. 

Banda stressed the need for KVTC to produce highly skilled graduates capable of meeting the demands of the job market.

In his remarks, KVTC Principal Chrispine Kakoma hailed the initiative as a significant milestone in promoting youth employment through construction equipment operations training. 

He emphasized the program’s focus on fostering a skilled industrial workforce, with particular attention to inclusivity and gender diversity.

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