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Elusive Mutale Mwanza Faces Lawsuit Advertisements Over Alleged Assault

The ongoing legal battle between medical doctor Natasha Mulenga and socialite Mutale Mwanza has taken a new direction, with the Lusaka High Court granting permission to advertise the lawsuit against the elusive defendant in the Zambia Daily Mail.

The decision came as a result of Mutale Mwanza’s persistent evasion of being served with court documents regarding the assault and trauma lawsuit filed against her by Dr. Mulenga.

Judge Elita Mwikisa issued an ex parte order, allowing Dr. Mulenga to serve the court process on Ms. Mwanza through the widely circulated newspaper.

The lawsuit stems from an incident two months ago, where Dr. Mulenga, employed at the University Teaching Hospitals in Lusaka, alleges that Mutale Mwanza brandished a firearm at her following a road traffic altercation on November 5 of the previous year.

According to Dr. Mulenga’s account submitted to the Lusaka High Court, she encountered a broken-down vehicle in the Chainda area, causing traffic congestion.

When Dr. Mulenga attempted to pass the scene to allow traffic to flow, Mutale Mwanza, flashing her lights, entered Dr. Mulenga’s lane, obstructing her vehicle.

Dr. Mulenga further alleges that Mutale Mwanza, known as the “M-Nation codenamed defendant,” exited her vehicle with a firearm in hand, approached Dr. Mulenga’s vehicle, and began shouting and banging on it.

The ordeal reportedly left Dr. Mulenga traumatized, suffering from extreme trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder, severe anxiety, and physiological distress, including sleep disorders and recurring nightmares.

Despite efforts by Dr. Mulenga’s lawyer, Norman Siwila, to serve Mutale Mwanza with court summons, the defendant remained elusive, prompting the court’s decision to allow the advertisement of the lawsuit in the Zambia Daily Mail.

Additional source: Zambia Daily Mail

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