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LCC Revokes 31 Liquor Licences in Munali and Kabwata for Non-Compliance

The Lusaka City Council (LCC) has taken decisive action by revoking thirty-one liquor licenses in Munali and Kabwata constituencies due to non-compliance with regulations and trading in undesignated areas.

This move comes as part of efforts to uphold the Liquor Licensing Act No. 20 of 2011, which prohibits trading without a valid liquor license and trading in areas not designated for such activities.

According to reports, several traders were found operating without the necessary change of land use permits, while others were selling alcohol in temporary structures such as car washes. As a result, an assortment of beer was seized from these establishments.

The LCC’s Public Health Department conducted extensive inspections aimed at curbing illegal liquor trading in Munali and Kabwata.

This initiative is now being extended to all seven constituencies in the city, with the aim of restoring order and ensuring compliance with regulations in the liquor trade sector.

Despite repeated warnings, some establishments continued to flout the Public Health Act Cap 295 and the Liquor Licensing Act No. 20 of 2011, necessitating these enforcement measures.

The council has reiterated its commitment to continue with these inspections, and those found violating the law will face arrests and prosecution.

This stern approach serves as a deterrent to would-be violators and underscores the importance of adhering to legal requirements.

Liquor traders are urged to ensure compliance with all regulations to avoid inconvenience and legal repercussions. Additionally, residents are reminded to refrain from playing loud music, which can cause disturbances to others in the community.

Issued by Nyambe Bulumba, Assistant Public Relations Manager, the announcement signals the LCC’s proactive stance in maintaining public order and ensuring adherence to regulatory standards in the liquor trade sector.

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