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Government Urged to Address Remaining Promises Immediately

Following the announcement by the head of state that the government has fulfilled 70% of its promises made during the 2021 campaigns, there are calls for immediate action to address the remaining 30%.

The pronouncement has been commended as reflective of the truth on the ground, with praise directed towards the UPND Alliance for their achievements thus far.

However, concerns have been raised regarding key areas such as fuel, electricity, mines, and the exchange rate. It is urged that all resources be redirected to address these pressing issues, particularly in making essential commodities more affordable for citizens.

Fuel, described as the “engine of the economy,” has been highlighted as a major factor contributing to the high cost of living. Coupled with challenges in the energy sector and the non-functioning of mines, economic pressures on citizens have intensified.

The public outcry extends beyond the affordability of mealie meal, encompassing all aspects of daily life. Citizens are struggling to cope with the current situation, prompting calls for urgent government intervention.

While the provision of free education is acknowledged, concerns persist about children attending school on empty stomachs, affecting their performance.

It is emphasized that revisiting the budget to address food security should also consider the issues of fuel and electricity affordability.

Dr. Noel Chisebe, a governance expert and human rights activist based in Ndola, issued the statement, underscoring the need for immediate action to alleviate the economic burden on citizens.

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