Breaking NewsHealth

LCC Launches Routine Health Inspections on Schools to Combat Cholera and COVID-19 Spread

The Lusaka City Council (LCC) has taken proactive steps to curb the spread of cholera and COVID-19 within the city by launching routine health inspections on schools. 

Led by the diligent Public Health Inspectors of LCC, these inspections are geared towards evaluating schools’ adherence to cholera guidelines and strengthening response measures against potential epidemics.

Chola Mwamba, the Public Relations Manager for LCC, highlighted the significance of these inspections as part of long-term strategies to prevent outbreaks of pandemics like cholera and COVID-19 in Lusaka. 

Ms. Mwamba emphasized the critical role of public places, including educational institutions, in maintaining hygiene standards to safeguard the health of students and staff alike.

Among the stipulated standards, schools are required to maintain a clean and safe learning environment conducive to lessons. 

Additionally, they must ensure the availability of chlorinated water for drinking, clean sanitary accommodations, and adequate handwashing facilities. 

Students are encouraged to adopt a mindset change by refraining from handshakes as a preventive measure.

Moreover, Mwamba stressed the importance of strict measures concerning the sale of food and beverages within school premises, especially by external vendors. 

These measures aim to minimize potential sources of contamination and maintain a hygienic environment conducive to learning.

The Council urges the cooperation of the public in maintaining cleanliness throughout the city to effectively combat the recurrent outbreaks of cholera. 

Ms. Mwamba warned that individuals found violating the regulations outlined in Statutory Instrument-SI No. 5 of 2024 would face legal consequences.

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