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Natwikatane Cooperative’s Resilience and Diversification Highlight the Impact of CDF Empowerment

The Natwikatane Cooperative, based in Ndola’s Chifubu Constituency, has showcased resilience and adaptability in the face of challenges, underscoring the transformative potential of the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) in empowering local communities.

Initially comprising 30 members, the cooperative sought a CDF grant of K40,000 to venture into chicken rearing with the aim of generating profits to uplift their lives. 

However, upon receiving a grant of K20,000, seven members opted to leave, citing concerns about fulfilling the business proposal.

Despite setbacks such as the loss of members and challenges with chick mortality in their initial consignment, Cooperative Chairperson Ms. Beatrice Kabwe revealed in a recent interview that the group persevered and eventually saw an upturn in their business, leading to increased profits.

Utilizing the profits earned, the cooperative diversified its operations and now rents a shop in the Pinegrove area, where they sell chickens and beverages to local residents. 

Moreover, thanks to the CDF empowerment, the cooperative has created employment opportunities by hiring a person to oversee the chickens and work in the shop.

Ms. Kabwe hailed the CDF as a game-changer, emphasizing its role in stimulating economic activity and job creation within communities. 

She praised the government’s approach of decentralizing the CDF process to the ward level, enabling local decision-making on the allocation of public funds.

Encouraging other groups facing similar challenges, Ms. Kabwe urged perseverance and collective effort, emphasizing that success in business endeavors is achievable with determination and dedication.

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