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Luapula Constituency MP Pays Tribute to Late Namibian President Geingob

Hon. Chanda Katotobwe, Member of Parliament for Luapula Constituency under the Patriotic Front (PF), eulogized the late President of Namibia, Hage Geingob, emphasizing his significant contributions to the liberation struggle in the region.

Hon. Katotobwe, speaking to journalists in Lusaka after signing the book of condolences in honor of the late President Geingob, expressed heartfelt sentiments about the former Namibian Head of State.

He recounted President Geingob’s profound regard for Zambia, describing him as always referring to the nation as a great one.

The Luapula Constituency lawmaker highlighted President Geingob’s role in reminding Zambians of their hospitality and goodwill, particularly during his tenure at the United Nations Institute for Namibia.

President Geingob’s directorship at the institute, which was led by former Zambian President Rupiah Banda, fostered close ties between the two nations.

Hon. Katotobwe noted that President Geingob’s interactions with Zambian leaders during the liberation struggle kept alive the history of Zambia’s participation in the region’s quest for independence.

He acknowledged President Geingob’s admiration for Zambia’s role in providing refuge and support to liberation icons, including himself and his predecessor, Hifikepunye Pohamba.

Reflecting on President Geingob’s legacy, Hon. Katotobwe emphasized the shared mourning between the people of Zambia and Namibia. He underscored the profound sense of loss felt by both nations for a leader who championed regional unity and liberation.

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