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LCC Advances Development Agenda as Health Presidential Advisor Prof Chilengi Participates in IDP Draft Validation

The Lusaka City Council (LCC) has taken significant strides in its developmental agenda by conducting the validation of the draft Integrated Development Plan (IDP), a crucial step in charting the city’s course for the next decade. 

Notably, the validation process has garnered the participation of distinguished individuals, including Presidential Advisor for Health, Prof Roma Chilengi.

The ongoing second validation process, hosted at the Council’s Civic Centre, has attracted a diverse group of stakeholders, representing approximately 30 entities from both the public and private sectors, as well as local and international organizations. 

This inclusive approach aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the gaps, opportunities, and challenges facing Lusaka City.

One of the prominent participants in this validation meeting is Prof Roma Chilengi, the Presidential Advisor for Health. His involvement underscores the importance of health considerations in the city’s developmental plans, aligning with a holistic approach to urban development.

The stakeholder validation meeting is designed to delve into the intricacies of Lusaka City’s current scenario. With a technical working group in place, various development sector players have been entrusted with the responsibility of offering insights, identifying developmental gaps, and ensuring that all key populations and constituencies are adequately represented.

This collaborative effort is essential in shaping a robust and sustainable ten-year plan for Lusaka.

The Integrated Development Plan (IDP) serves as a comprehensive framework and guide for the city’s development. The Lusaka City Council, empowered by law under the Regional Planning Act Number 3 of 2015, is mandated to formulate this development plan, emphasizing the significance of community involvement and expert insights in the process.

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