AgricultureBreaking News

Kagem Mining’s Fertilizer Support Boosts Food Security Efforts in Lufwanyama

Kagem Mining has earned the gratitude of small-scale farmers in Lufwanyama for its steadfast support in enhancing local food security. 

The mining company has provided vital fertilizer assistance for the 2023/24 farming season, benefiting eight farming cooperatives and a total of 194 members in the region.

Kagem’s support goes beyond mere input provisions; it includes training programs and access to a ready market for the produce from local communities. 

The purchased crops are then utilized in Kagem’s canteen, creating a symbiotic relationship that boosts both agricultural production and community livelihoods.

Members of cooperatives such as Twasanta Women, Tweende, Blessings/Chantete, and Kapila Green Farmers have collectively expressed their appreciation by sending a heartfelt letter of thanks to Kagem. 

The timely provision of fertilizer for the current planting season has not only aided in poverty alleviation but has also contributed significantly to enhancing food security and combating malnutrition in the community households.

Recognizing the importance of collaborative efforts to combat food insecurity, the farmers in Lufwanyama, supported by Kagem, have taken on the responsibility of supporting their members’ families and strengthening collective farming in the district. 

This endeavor addresses challenges such as low household incomes, unemployment, illegal mining, and poverty, showcasing the multifaceted benefits of agricultural activities.

Kagem’s Head of Corporate Responsibility, Lomthunzi Mbewe, highlighted the diversity of crops grown by the farmers, including horticultural crops, maize, and even the rearing of village chickens.

Kagem, among other entities, actively purchases produce from these cooperatives, further supporting the local economy.

Since 2016, the number of cooperatives supported by Kagem has grown from five to seven, with 194 registered members. The company has invested ZMW 5.4 million to date in supporting these cooperatives, emphasizing its commitment to creating sustainable and alternative livelihoods for communities in Lufwanyama.

Adriaan Prinsloo, Kagem’s General Manager, emphasized the importance of capacity building as a key tool for the sustainability and growth of Lufwanyama’s cooperatives and farming communities. 

The collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock includes training in farming methods, livestock management, and other technical skills. Veterinary services, including vaccinations and routine monitoring, have also been provided.

Looking ahead, Kagem plans to further support organic farming practices, acknowledging the importance of environmentally-friendly alternatives such as crop rotation and the use of organic waste fertilizers. 

This holistic approach showcases Kagem Mining’s commitment to fostering sustainable agricultural practices and contributing to the well-being of the communities it serves.

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