Breaking NewsHealth

Zambia Making Strides in Cholera Fight, Government Addresses Key Issues

The Minister of Information and Media and Chief Government Spokesperson, Hon. Cornelius Mweetwa, highlighted several crucial developments and initiatives undertaken by the Zambian government in addressing national challenges.  

The Chief Government Spokesperson expressed gratitude for the support received from both domestic and foreign partners in the ongoing fight against cholera. 

He also commended frontline workers who have dedicated their lives to confront the cholera pandemic.

Mweetwa noted a decline in cholera cases and a rising number of discharges, signaling the government’s success in combating the disease. 

The President has directed the Cabinet to formulate comprehensive measures to address cholera challenges permanently.

A committee of Ministers, under the guidance of Vice President Mutale W.K Nalumango, has been formed to consider short, medium, and long-term solutions to combat cholera. 

The President emphasized the need for Zambia to set an example in fighting the disease, and the committee will advise on the next steps to ensure the current outbreak is the last of its kind.

Minister Mweetwa expressed gratitude for the public’s support in recent ward elections and commended the voters for appreciating government programs, including free education, the Constituency Development Fund (CDF), and peace initiatives.

The Minister commended Shiwang’andu Member of Parliament, Stephen Kampyongo, for demonstrating strong leadership during recent by-elections and joining the campaign meeting.

The government celebrated the recruitment of over 7000 teachers in the previous year and highlighted the successful completion of the Agro input distribution program. 

The President’s encouragement for citizens to pursue farming has resulted in a rush for seed and fertilizer, with an unprecedented number of metric tonnes sold.

The government refuted claims that it is importing and distributing Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) maize through the Zambia National Service (ZNS). 

It challenged those spreading misinformation to provide proof, emphasizing that the maize imported from South Africa is destined for the Democratic Republic of Zambia (DRC) market. 

To reduce smuggling of non-GMO mealie meal, the government initiated a plan to saturate the demand zone with mealie meal, clarifying that the maize imported from South Africa is not for Zambia but for onward transmission to the DRC market.

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