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Luapula Province Commander Collaborates with Chief Chisunka to Combat Substance Abuse

Luapula Province’s Regional Commander, Mr. David Sikufele, recently engaged in a collaborative effort with Chief Chisunka of the Ushi people to address the pressing issue of substance abuse in the region.

The visit aimed to strengthen the partnership between law enforcement and traditional leadership in finding effective solutions to combat substance abuse in the local communities.

During the courtesy call, Commander Sikufele reassured Chief Chisunka of the commission’s unwavering commitment to working closely with traditional leaders to tackle various community challenges related to substance abuse.

Recognizing the pivotal role that traditional leadership plays in shaping community values, the Regional Commander expressed the commission’s readiness to collaborate closely with Chief Chisunka and other local leaders.

Accompanying Commander Sikufele was the Education and Counseling Division (ECD) officer for the province, highlighting the multidisciplinary approach the commission is adopting to address substance abuse.

The Regional Commander took the opportunity to share the commission’s comprehensive plans to enhance community sensitization activities within the chiefdom. These initiatives are geared towards fostering awareness and understanding of the adverse effects of substance abuse.

A key strategy outlined by the commission involves maximizing community sensitization activities to ensure a significant reduction in the demand for substances contributing to the prevalent issue of substance abuse.

The commission recognizes the importance of educating the community about the consequences of substance abuse and promoting preventive measures.

Chief Chisunka, appreciative of the commission’s efforts, expressed gratitude for the continued collaboration and emphasized the significance of traditional leaders in driving positive change within communities.

The Chief pledged full support for the commission’s initiatives and affirmed a collective commitment to finding sustainable solutions to address substance abuse.

This collaborative approach between law enforcement, represented by the Luapula Province Regional Commander, and traditional leadership exemplifies a holistic strategy for community problem-solving.

By engaging with local leaders and combining efforts, the commission aims to create a lasting impact on the community, fostering a safer and healthier environment for all residents.

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