Breaking NewsEducation

Functional Literacy Programme Transforms Lives in Chipata’s Lavu Village

The Functional Literacy programme initiated by the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services is proving to be a catalyst for positive change in Lavu Village, located in Chipata District.

Women in the village are seizing the opportunity to enhance their lives through education, breaking barriers that once hindered their access to information and basic literacy skills.

Catherine Ngoma, a 25-year-old participant, shared her transformative journey, stating that prior to joining the class, she faced challenges in reading and writing, making it difficult to navigate daily tasks such as accessing information and signing documents.

“I didn’t even know how to write my name because I have never been to school. I am glad that through this programme, I am now able to read and write,” she expressed with enthusiasm.

Mary Banda, 51, another participant, emphasized that the Functional Literacy programme goes beyond basic reading and writing skills.

In addition to literacy, women are also being educated on nutrition and business skills.

“We now know what kind of food to give our children for them to grow well; we also know how to calculate our profits from our small businesses,” she shared, highlighting the multifaceted impact of the initiative on the participants’ lives.

Expressing gratitude to the government for implementing the Functional Literacy programme and other empowering initiatives in rural areas, Mary Banda acknowledged the positive trajectory these programs have set for the advancement of women in the community.

Ludwina Zulu, a Literacy instructor involved in the programme, urged other women and community members who missed the opportunity to attend school to join literacy classes.

Importantly, she emphasized that there is no age limit to acquiring literacy skills, encouraging individuals to embrace the chance to learn and grow.

The Functional Literacy programme not only equips women with essential skills but also acts as a vehicle for community empowerment.

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