Breaking NewsEducation

FAWE Africa Unveils Ambitious Strategic Plan 2024-2028 in Lusaka, Zambia

The Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) has launched its comprehensive strategic plan for 2024-2028, reaffirming its commitment to advancing quality education for girls and women across the African continent. 

The launch event, held in Lusaka, Zambia, saw key stakeholders and dignitaries expressing optimism about FAWE’s strategic vision for the future.

Hon. Aïcha Bah Diallo, FAWE Africa Board Chairperson, emphasized the significance of the strategic plan, stating, “The FAWE Strategic Plan 2024-2028 represents our vision for the future. 

It is a comprehensive framework that sets ambitious goals and strategies to address the complex issues hindering the realization of gender equality in education.”

The strategic plan outlines three key objectives:

  1. Enhancing Provision and Access to Quality Education: FAWE aims to improve access to quality education and training opportunities for girls and women in Africa. The plan includes specific activities and milestones designed to break down barriers and create an enabling environment for female education.
  2. Generating and Utilizing Research Evidence: FAWE intends to enhance the generation and utilization of research evidence to inform education policy and practice. This objective aligns with the organization’s commitment to evidence-based interventions.
  3. Strengthening Institutional Capacity: The plan focuses on strengthening the institutional capacity and enhancing the operational effectiveness of the FAWE network. This includes initiatives to improve organizational leadership and overall efficiency.

During the launch event, Hon. Douglas Syakalima, Minister for Education Zambia, commended FAWE for its alignment with national educational objectives. He stated, “In Zambia, where challenges related to education access persist, FAWE has emerged as a beacon of hope. 

Through various initiatives, the organization has tirelessly worked towards dismantling barriers that hinder the educational journey, particularly for young girls.”

FAWE’s strategic plan reflects its commitment to inclusivity, equal opportunities, and systemic change. Over the past three decades, FAWE has played a crucial role in advocating for gender mainstreaming, influencing policies, and empowering girls and women through education across the continent.

Ms. Martha Muhwezi, Executive Director of FAWE Africa, expressed pride in the organization’s accomplishments over the past five years and highlighted the enduring legacy built during FAWE’s 30-year journey. 

She outlined key priorities for the next five years, including improving access to quality education, enhancing teaching and learning quality, promoting gender-responsive policies, and advocating for systemic change at national and regional levels.

FAWE’s strategic plan is positioned as a roadmap for action and impact, aiming to strengthen organizational capacity, foster sustainable development, and amplify its positive influence in transforming lives through education.

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