Breaking NewsClimate Change/ESGTech

Zambia Seeks Japanese Assistance in Combating Climate Change and Enhancing Infrastructure Resilience

Zambia’s Minister of Green Economy and Environment, Hon. Eng. Collins Nzovu, MP, has urgently sought technological assistance from the Government of Japan. 

This appeal aims to tackle the critical challenges posed by climate change and bolster the nation’s infrastructure to withstand its adverse effects.

The appeal was made during a courtesy call by the Japanese Ambassador to Zambia, His Excellency Mr. Takeuchi Kazuyuki, at the Ministry of Green Economy and Environment in Lusaka on Thursday, January 25th, 2024. The meeting aimed to discuss various developmental issues affecting both nations.

During the discussions, Ambassador Kazuyuki expressed his government’s commitment to supporting Zambia in mitigating the adverse effects of climate change through technical assistance. 

Minister Nzovu seized the opportunity to call on Japan to provide technological advancements that can be effectively employed to combat the impacts of climate change in Zambia.

Minister Nzovu emphasized that climate change has significantly hampered infrastructure development in the country.

He underscored the critical need to construct climate-resilient infrastructure as a strategic measure to minimize the negative consequences of climate change on the nation’s development.

In addition to seeking assistance in climate change adaptation, Hon. Nzovu urged the Japanese Government to consider investing in key sectors such as tourism, agriculture, forestry, and energy. 

He stressed that meaningful economic development in Zambia could be achieved through strategic investments in these sectors.

The appeal aligns with Zambia’s broader efforts to address environmental challenges, enhance sustainability, and foster economic development.

As climate change continues to pose a threat to vulnerable regions, collaborative efforts between nations, such as the appeal made by Minister Nzovu, underscore the importance of global cooperation in mitigating and adapting to climate change impacts.

The commitment of Japan to provide technical support signals a potential avenue for Zambia to bolster its resilience against the challenges posed by a changing climate.

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